Equality for all people starts with the ability of all people to access money. (Equality of Opportunity)
Our banking system has moved away from lending to job creating enterprises to asset accumulation lending.
The reason is quite simple, it’s safer and more profitable for the banks.
At some point in time where the gap between the “Haves” and “Have Not’s” (Inequality) becomes too great, at that point, you always have anarchy. This is historically axiomatic.
This policy is not designed or intended to make all people equal, that is never going to be achieved because as human beings we all have different abilities. What it is intended to do is to take a step closer to the concept of “Equality of Opportunity” albeit on different levels or structures.
People need to have the ability to prosper, and as a society, we must be occupied. Without these two elements life becomes devoid of purpose; nihilistic.
Community Enterprise Loans will be;
1. small,
2. locally based,
3. lend to the local community applicants (who are Australian Citizens) for the purpose of financing new and existing Small Enterprises.
4. Should the enterprise fail, and the Government is required to pay out the bank for the shortfall, then such shortfall will be applied to the Applicants Tax liability as a debt. The applicants will not be placed into Bankruptcy, but they will be liable to pay off the debt over time.
5. Applicants can only access this initiative once*.
6. Government will set minimum lending criteria and exemptions for these loans.
7. Interest rates set by regulation.
8. Be available, generally (but not exclusively) to Australian Citizens between 25 and 60 years of age.
9. The Applicant MUST work in the enterprise in a capacity that is consummate with their work/education experiences. These loans are NOT intended for passive investment.
They will operate under the same regulatory structure for existing financial loans but will have compliance exemption on certain qualifying criteria.
Community Enterprise Loans will be limited to loans no greater than $100,000 (indexed) per applicant.
The Government will guarantee the loans against loss so the banking sector can have confidence when making these loans.
Loans made to applicants will be assessed by the applicant’s experience, qualification and/or business plan. The Government will also indemnify the Bank against loss, provided that the Banks’ lending decision is based on the Governments minimum lending criteria.
The message here is straight forward;
No matter how poor you and/or your family is, your gender, ethnicity, culture or religion, if you go to school, get a trade or university degree or indeed just go out into the work force and gain experience, providing you are prepared to accept the risk, you will be able to get a small business loan to enable you to start or purchase a small business.
This policy is about creating opportunities, employment and giving every Australian Citizen the ability to prosper.
*The full $100,000 can only be accessed once but can be done in incremental amounts over Applicants lifetime.
Explanation of Intent
This policy is unashamedly aimed at the most underprivileged in our society.
We want our children to be taught throughout their school years that there is hope and they can prosper by staying in school, gaining work experience and appropriate qualifications.
It’s about stopping the self-perpetuating cycle of generational hopelessness.
Generally speaking, these loans will be available to people over the age of 25, will be means tested, so that those with financial ability undertake their endeavors under their own steam.
Indirectly this is a policy to help fight against drug and alcohol abuse, crime and violence.
Financing new and existing Small Enterprises.
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