Immigration is essential for our economic growth by keeping up demand and bringing younger workers into the workforce, but it is not without its problems and controversies.
If we did not have a workable immigration policy our economy would be suffering.
Population growth means demand, demand leads to jobs.
Our policy is based on the facts surrounding immigration and not on scaremongering motherhood statements or opinions. If you wish to find out more click HERE.
Our Policy is designed to improve our cohesiveness by encouraging immigrants to assimilate in the shortest time possible.
We know the importance of immigration, and support this process, however this also needs to be balanced with the expectations and concerns of the Australian Citizens.
Our Immigration Policy is as follows;
- Anyone who wishes to immigrate to Australia must come through the front door; there will be a zero tolerance to illegal immigration and Que jumpers. It is our Country and we have our rules and requirements as to who is welcome and who is not.
- Any immigrant/refuge wanting to permanently reside in Australia must successfully complete an “Assimilation Course” before a permanent visa/residency or citizenship is granted.
- We will uphold our moral/ legal international obligations to take genuine refugees in accordance with our International agreements.
- Any person born overseas, who is found guilty of committing a crime that carries a custodial sentence greater than one year will, after serving their sentence, be deported to their country of origin and their Residency, Citizenship and/or Visas will be permanently revoked, except where such revocation would leave the person Stateless.
- Any Person born overseas, who is found guilty of committing a crime on three separate occasions, that carries, for each conviction, a custodial sentence of one year or less shall, after serving their third sentence, be deported to their country of origin and their Residency, Citizenship and/or Visas will be permanently revoked, except where such revocation would leave that person Stateless.
Our research clearly shows that the Australian people expect that cultural respect is a two way street.
As much as we, as Australian Citizens are expected (and should) respect other Cultures then equally, Immigrants should respect and embrace Australia's culture and way of life.